Monthly Archives: July 2020
Blue Comets Run from Corona
Sunday, September 6th, BCMC will be hosting their Run from Corona Challenge Run. Registration is from 9:00 AM until 10:30 AM. First Bike out at 10:00 AM, Last bike out at 11:00 AM. Cost is $20 for rider, $10 for passenger, lunch is included, their are cash prizes. Event starts and finishes at the BCMC facility in Skippack. Come on out and join the fun !! Continue reading
Ride for the Heroes
Unfortunately, due to the many changes in the Covid situation, this year's Ride for the Heroes has been cancelled. Continue reading
Road to avoid at this time – Swamp Creek Road that runs along Unami Creek From Sumneytown Hotel, Geryville Pike to Whites Mill Rd Patched with tar and stones – stones are everywhere. Best to avoid this road for a while. Continue reading
BACA Montco Christmas in July
This coming Sunday, July 12th, BACA Montco is having their annual Christmas in July event. Registration is at the Lansdale VFW Post on 2nd St in Lansdale from 9:30 AM until 11:00, KSU at 11:00. Ride to Children and Youth, Norristown, for food, music and fun. Gift Card Donations are welcome. This is a nice event providing much needed funds and gift cards to a foster home. Continue reading