Please note that all IVHOG events are now posted in Meetup and not on the IVHOG website. Please visit meetup.com and either sign in or sign up and search for and join IVHOG group. Expand your search area as needed. Instructions below to install the app if you choose to use the app instead of website
Install the Meetup app on your phone from the app store. It is free.
Launch the app and create an account for yourself. You can use an existing Google, Facebook, etc. account.
Answer some of the questions it walks you through.
Search for the group IVHOG. Search for it under groups and you might have to specify Sellersville location or change your search range to a greater distance.
Join the group. Initially you will only have permissions to view events. Once I see you are a member of IVHOG I will upgrade your permissions to allow you to post and create events. That is why it’s important to use your real full name so I and others know who your are. Don’t be shy, upload a picture of yourself so others can recognize you!
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